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Teeth Whitening
Concord, CA

You probably have or know someone who had discolored or stained teeth, and they required teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening is an effective process that lightens the teeth' stain without damaging or removing any of the tooth surface. It is an effective process for individuals with dull-colored or stained teeth caused by medical conditions or social habits such as smoking. The process might not completely change the color of your teeth to white, but it will make them lighter.

Our team at Smile Family Dentistry, including our Concord dentist, can help you with the teeth whitening process, using ADA recommended procedures and products to ensure it works effectively.

Importance of Professional Teeth Whitening

Different people have several reasons as to why they do teeth whitening. Our teeth aren't the same, and some people have discolored teeth, naturally, without undergoing any cause. From the studies done, only a small percentage of the world's population has pure white teeth, with some getting discolored as they grow older.

With our lifestyle and social habits, our teeth get stained by the food we eat and the drinks we take. Products such as coffee, tea, wine, and colored foods lead to teeth discoloration. Smoking is also the leading cause of discoloration for cigarette smokers.

Other than the food and drinks, tartar also affects the color of teeth; sometimes you can get stains by taking certain types of medicine such as antibiotics. Other causes are the cracks on the teeth, which harbor stains and dirt. The reason why most people do whitening is to remove all these stains and to make their teeth lighter, if not white.

What Does Teeth Whitening Involve?

Teeth whitening involves a professional way of cleaning the teeth, mostly done through a bleaching process with recommended and safe products. Our dental expert will check on your teeth and advise if it's safe doing the procedure before guiding you on the process.

First, they will shield your gums with a specially made rubber before applying the whitening ingredient, which removes the stains. The application is made via specially-designed equipment that fits the teeth to avoid other parts from being exposed. When the active ingredient gets broken down on the teeth, the enamel gets exposed to oxygen, making your teeth white or lighter in color.

How Long Does Whitening Take?

The whole professional teeth whitening process can take from three to four weeks, depending on teeth discoloration and stains. First, you need to visit our dentist to assess the situation and create a mouthguard to use during the process. You will need to make some visits before you're given the go-ahead to carry on with the process at home.

The application of the whitening product depends on its effectiveness and how affected your teeth are. Our professionals might also opt to use laser whitening or power whitening process if deemed fit.

How Long Will the Teeth Remain White?

Whitening can last up to three years, depending on an individual and the type of food they take and their lifestyle. Smoking, drinking, or eating foods that discolor the teeth will shorten the duration. The dentist will guide you through the process and future precautions.

Schedule An Appointment Today!

If you have discolored or stained teeth and want to make them lighter, our professional whitening process best fits you.

If you're looking for more information about our professional teeth whitening around Concord, CA, please call Smile Family Dentistry at 925-825-1130 today!
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Teeth Whitening - Concord, CA • Smile Family Dentistry
You probably have or know someone who had discolored or stained teeth & required professional teeth whitening. Find out how we can help today!
Smile Family Dentistry - Dr. Kent Davis, 5100 Clayton Road Suite A19, Concord, CA 94521 \ 925-825-1130 \ \ 10/5/2024 \ Related Phrases: dentist Concord CA \